أسرار الممالك الثلاث
مرحباً , نتمنى أن تكون على ما يرام : تفضل بتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت أحد أعضاءنا , او تفضل بالتسجيل إذا أردت الانضمام إلى اسرتنا الكريمة.

تسجيلك في المنتدى سيمنحك فرصة المشاركة في المواضيع و ابراز رأيك في المنتدى, و ستفتح لك مميزات جديدة و اقسام جديدة لدخولها.
أسرار الممالك الثلاث
مرحباً , نتمنى أن تكون على ما يرام : تفضل بتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت أحد أعضاءنا , او تفضل بالتسجيل إذا أردت الانضمام إلى اسرتنا الكريمة.

تسجيلك في المنتدى سيمنحك فرصة المشاركة في المواضيع و ابراز رأيك في المنتدى, و ستفتح لك مميزات جديدة و اقسام جديدة لدخولها.
أسرار الممالك الثلاث
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى تاريخي , يهتم بتاريخ الممالك الثلاثة واليابان والتاريخ الاسلامي , ويشتمل المنتدى كذلك على اقسام أخرى متنوعة.
أحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولالرئيسية
يتم تفعيل العضوية الغير مفعلة من قبل نفس العضو عبر بريده الالكتروني بشكل دوري من قبل الإدارة لذى اذا لم يتمكن العضو من تفعيل عضويته عبر البريد الالكتروني سوف تتكفل الإدارة بذلك من خلال لوحة التحكم ..

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 كتاب The 36 Strategims

اذهب الى الأسفل 
5 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 9535
العمر : 30
الدولة : دولة الخليج العربي, محافظة الكويت.
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/10/2007

كتاب The 36 Strategims Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالخميس 06 أغسطس 2009, 3:35 am

و هذا نص الكتاب الي فيه افضل 36 خطة حربية بتاريخ الصين, مع امثلة تاريخية لها و شرح.

للمعلومية, ادري كذا واحد راح يسأل, افضل خطة بهذا التصنيف هي الهروب لانها تضمن البقاء

The Thirty-Six Stratagems are divided into a preface, six chapters containing six stratagems each, and an afterword that was incomplete with missing text. The first three chapters generally describe tactics for use in advantageous situations, whereas the last three chapters contain stratagems that are more suitable for disadvantageous situations. The original text of the Thirty-Six Stratagems has a laconic style that is common to Classical Chinese. Each proverb is accompanied by a short comment, no longer than a sentence or two, that explains how said proverb is applicable to military tactics. These 36 Chinese proverbs are related to 36 battle scenarios in Chinese history and folklore, predominantly of the Warring States Period and the Three Kingdoms Period.



Chapter 1: Winning Stratagems

1. Deceive the heavens to cross the ocean (traditional Chinese: 瞞天過海; simplified Chinese: 瞒天过海; pinyin: Mán tiān guò hǎi)

The stratagem references an episode when Tang emperor Tang Gaozong balked from crossing the sea to a campaign against Koguryo. His General brought him the invitation of a wealthy peasant to supper. As the emperor entered this house, it began to shake - the General had deceivedly lured the emperor onto a ship! Upon discovering this, the emperor decided to carry on and later finished the successful campaign.

This stratagem means that you mask your real goals, thus deceiving even the emperor / heavens itself with a fake goal, until they are confronted with finished facts. Harro von Senger notes in the German-Language "Die List" that to grasp the full meaning, it would be something like "to deceive the holy virgin Mary" in the western hemisphere.

This strategy made use of the human weakness that, people eventually become unaware of common everyday activities, or events that keeps repeating itself. When this happens, it is the best moment carry out one's previously hidden true objective.
* In the Second World War, Hitler spread misinformation about a planned date for the Invasion of France, but later delayed the date. This was repeated many times, and eventually France and England grew used to the false information, and regarded all Germany planned invasions as hoaxes. Then one day, Germany invaded France with lightning speed, conquering France.
* In the Second World War, the Allies' Operation Quicksilver created a phantom army in Kent complete with fake radio chatter that diverted German attentions from real Allied armies and their intended objective of Normandy.
2. Besiege Wèi to rescue Zhào (traditional Chinese: 圍魏救趙; simplified Chinese: 围魏救赵; pinyin: Wéi Wèi jiù Zhào)

When the enemy is too strong to be attacked directly, then attack something he holds dear. Know that he cannot be superior in all things. Somewhere there is a gap in the armour, a weakness that can be attacked instead.

The origins of this proverb is from the Warring States Period. The state of Wèi attacked Zhao and laid siege to its capital Handan. Zhào turned to Qí for help, but the Qí general Sun Bin determined it would be unwise to meet the army of Wèi head on, so he instead attacked their capital at Daliang. The army of Wèi retreated in haste, and the tired troops were ambushed and defeated at the Battle of Guiling, with the Wèi general Pang Juan slain on the field. Note that this campaign is also described explicitly in the Art of War of Master Sun Bin the younger.

The idea here is to avoid a head on battle with a strong enemy, and instead strike at his weakness elsewhere. This will force the strong enemy to retreat in order to support his weakness. Battling against the now tired and low-morale enemy will give a much higher chance of success.
* In the Second Punic War at the Battle of Zama Scipio Africanus was able to defeat Hannibal's army in Italy not by facing him in the field but by destroying his power base in Spain and menacing his home city of Carthage
3. Kill with a borrowed knife (traditional Chinese: 借刀殺人; simplified Chinese: 借刀杀人; pinyin: Jiè dāo shā rén)

Attack using the strength of another (in a situation where using one's own strength is not favourable). Trick an ally into attacking him, bribe an official to turn traitor, or use the enemy's own strength against him.

The idea here is to cause damage to the enemy, by getting a 3rd party to do the deed.
* During the Three Kingdoms era, Guan Yu, one of the head generals of the Kingdom of Shu, was engaged in the Battle of Fancheng against Cao Cao. Cao Cao sent an advisor to Sun Quan to encourage him to attack and capture Jing Province. Cao Cao promised that all lands south of Yangtze River will be Sun Quan's after this act. Several weeks thereafter, the Kingdom of Wu (Sun Quan), which had secretly allied itself with the Kingdom Wei ((Cao Cao)), attacked Guan Yu's army at Jiangling. Sun Quan, a previous ally of the Kingdom of Shu, surprised and defeated the Shu forces there, forcing Guan Yu to lift the siege on Fancheng and retreat. During his retreat, Guan Yu was captured by Sun Quan's forces and was executed. This caused great hatred between Liu Bei and Sun Quan, and eventually the hatred led to many battles between the two states. Although Cao Cao did not live to see it, these conflicts eventually allowed the Kingdom of Wei (Cao Cao) to conquer the Kingdom of Shu Liu Bei and the Kingdom of Wu Sun Quan, allowing the Kingdom of Wei (Cao Cao) to conquer China and unify it under the rule of the Kingdom of Wei (Cao Cao).
* In 1936, Stalin began to second guess his most trusted advisors and generals. Hitler made a list of the most dangerous generals within Russia, and created an underground report regarding them selling Russian information to Germany. Many false mails between them were also made. Russian spies got hold of this detailed list of the Russian generals and the mails they had allegedly sent to Germany. 8 generals were immediately imprisoned. After a 30 minute trial, all of the generals were judged guilty of treason, and all were executed within 12 hours. When Germany and Russia engaged in combat later on, Russia had to fight without some of its best generals.
4. Substitute leisure for labour (traditional Chinese: 以逸待勞; simplified Chinese: 以逸待劳; pinyin: Yǐ yì dài láo)

It is an advantage to choose the time and place for battle. In this way you know when and where the battle will take place, while your enemy does not. Encourage your enemy to expend his energy in futile quests while you conserve your strength. When he is exhausted and confused, you attack with energy and purpose.

The idea is to have your troops well-prepared for battle, in the same time that the enemy is rushing to fight against you. This will give your troops a huge advantage in the upcoming battle, of which you will get to select the time and place.
* In the Battle of Maling, Wei had both the number and morale advantage over the Qi troops. Sun Bin ordered his Qi troops to retreat, while encouraging the Wei troops to pursue them with haste. The end result was that the Qi forces were well prepared and well located for an ambush, while the Wei forces were tired from the speedy march. The battle was really one sided due to this difference.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 9535
العمر : 30
الدولة : دولة الخليج العربي, محافظة الكويت.
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/10/2007

كتاب The 36 Strategims Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالخميس 06 أغسطس 2009, 3:36 am

5. Loot a burning house (Chinese: 趁火打劫; pinyin: Chèn huǒ dǎ jié)

When a country is beset by internal conflicts, when disease and famine
ravage the population, when corruption and crime are rampant, then it
will be unable to deal with an outside threat. This is the time to

Keep gathering internal information about an enemy. If the enemy is
currently in its weakest state ever, attack it without mercy and
totally destroy it to prevent future troubles.
* Before the Battle of Gaixia, both Chu and Han forces were tired from
a long lasting siege. After a peace treaty, the tired Chu troops began
retreating out of Han territory. Han Xin and Zhang Liang both advised
to Liu Bang :"We already control half of the empire. Even within Chu,
many governors favour us being the ruler, and will not give Xiang Yu
support unless forced to. The Chu troops are currently tired and face
serious food stortages. The heavens have decided to end Xiang Yu 's
power. If we let Xiang Yu escape, it will be like keeping a tiger alive
only to kill its owner later. We must strike now and end this threat."
After some thinking, Liu Bang gave the order to attack Xiang Yu, and
eventually ended Chu.
6. Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west (traditional
Chinese: 聲東擊西; simplified Chinese: 声东击西; pinyin: Shēng dōng jí xī)

In any battle the element of surprise can provide an overwhelming
advantage. Even when face to face with an enemy, surprise can still be
employed by attacking where he least expects it. To do this you must
create an expectation in the enemy's mind through the use of a feint.

The idea here is to get the enemy to focus his forces in a location,
and then you attack elsewhere which would be weakly defended.
* In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte had planned an invasion of Egypt. But in
order for his ground troops to be transported into Egypt, he would have
to get through the powerful British Navy. Napoleon decided to avoid a
direct confrontation during the transportation, since a defeat here
would cost many lives. Napoleon informed his Mediterranean fleet that
they were to join up with the fleet in the north, and attack Ireland.
As a result of this news, Horatio Nelson stationed his fleet in the
west of the Mediterranean, in order to block the French fleet from
moving up north. Napoleon then quickly ordered his Mediterranean fleet
to transport ground troops into Egypt. By the time Horatio discovered
Napoleon 's plans, about 3 weeks had passed and a large French army had
gathered in Egypt. Although the French Mediterranean fleet was
eventually destroyed in the Battle of the Nile, Napoleon was able to
conquer Egypt with his ground troops.
* In the 1991 Gulf War the coalition through Military deception was
able to convince the Iraqis that the coalition intended an amphibious
attack into Kuwait and was able to fix Iraqi forces in positions that
could play no effective part when the real attack came.

Chapter 2: Enemy Dealing Stratagems

7. Create something from nothing (traditional Chinese: 無中生有; simplified Chinese: 无中生有; pinyin: Wú zhōng shēng yǒu)

A plain lie. Make somebody believe there was something when there is in fact nothing.

One method of using this strategy is to create an illusion of
something's existence, while it does not exist. Another method is to
create an illusion that something does not exist, while it does.
* During the Battle of Fei River, Former Qin had an overwhelming
manpower over Jin. But instead of backing down to defend, Jin attacked
Former Qin forces early and formed wide formations, giving an illusion
that Jin had the manpower to match Former Qin's forces. Fu Jiān began
planning his moves in fear, and later on ordered his vast forces to
back out from the river banks. The low morale Former Qin troops went
into chaos, and Jin came out of the battle victorious.
* During the Battles of Yongqiu and Suiyang, the Tang soldiers in
Yongqiu were running out of arrows. Zhang Xun ordered about 1,000
scarecrows to be made. At night, soldiers put their own armor onto the
scarecrows, and hung them down from the Castle walls. Yan forces saw
this and shot many arrows at the scarecrows, since they thought they
were Tang soldiers. By the time the Yan forces found out what happened,
the Tang troops had already received about 200,000 arrows. When this
happened again later, Yan soldiers did not shoot one single arrow at
them. But these dark figures were real Tang soldiers, who quickly
attacked the sleeping Yan ranks. The vast Yin forces were forced to
retreat from their position.
* In advance fee frauds, victims are lured by making them believe there
was a large amount of money waiting for them ("Something") while there
is in fact "Nothing".
8. Openly repair the gallery roads, but sneak through the passage of
Chencang (traditional Chinese: 暗渡陳倉; simplified Chinese: 暗渡陈仓; pinyin:
Àn dù chén cāng)

Deceive the enemy with an obvious approach that will take a very long
time, while surprising him by taking a shortcut and sneak up to him. As
the enemy concentrates on the decoy, he will miss you sneaking up to

The phrase originated from the Chu-Han contention, where Liu Bang
retreated to the lands of Sichuan to prepare for a confrontation with
Xiang Yu. Once he was fully prepared, Liu Bang sent men to openly
repair the gallery roads he had destroyed earlier, while secretly
moving his troops towards Guanzhong through the small town of Chencang
instead. When Xiang Yu received news of Liu Bang repairing the gallery
roads, he dismissed the threat since he knew the repairs would take
years to complete. This allowed Liu Bang to retake Guanzhong by
surprise, and eventually led to his victory over Xiang Yu and the birth
of the Han Dynasty.
This tactic is an extension of the "Make a sound in the east, then
strike in the west" tactic. But instead of simply spreading
misinformation to draw the enemy's attention, physical baits are used
to increase the enemy's certainty on the misinformation. These baits
must be easily seen by the enemy, to ensure that they draw the enemy's
attention. At the same time, the baits must act as if what they meant
to do what they were falsely doing, to avoid drawing the enemy's
* In 263 during the Three Kingdoms era, Deng Ai was facing off against
Jiang Wei in one of the many battles between the two. Jiang Wei's goal
was to take one of the Wei fortresses. Deng Ai engaged Jiang Wei's
forces and was able to win a few early battles, and Jiang Wei retreated
for a short distance before making camp. Deng Ai order his troops to
set up defences along a river, since the nearby Jiang Wei forces would
certainly return. After 3 days, Jiang Wei's forces did indeed return.
But they simply camped and did not prepare to cross the river. Deng Ai
sensed that Jiang Wei's main forces had gone around the river to take
the fortress directly, so he ordered all forces to retreat back to the
fortress to defend. Everything was just as Deng Ai had predicted, and
due to his prior preparations, Jiang Wei's siege at the fortress ended
in a failure. Jiang Wei had used the tactic wrongly, because his forces
at the river did not draw enough enemy attention to cause them to stay
at the river.
* Prior to the Battle of Normandy, the Allies wanted to draw the Axis
attention away from Normandy. An entirely fictitious First U.S. Army
Group ("FUSAG"), was created for this purpose. Dummy tanks, trucks,
planes and camps were made. They were placed in an area which led
Germany to believe that the actual large scale invasion would take
place in Pas de Calais. The air defense in this area was at a minimum,
to allow Luftwaffe to photograph them easily. Allied naval bombardment
was focused on Pas de Calais instead of Normandy. Dummy paratroopers
were also used to create further uncertainty on the Germany side
regarding the actual location of the invasion. This led the German
defense forces into disorder, and allowed the Normandy operation to be
carried out with "relative" ease.
9. Watch the fires burning across the river (traditional Chinese: 隔岸觀火; simplified Chinese: 隔岸观火; pinyin: Gé àn guān huǒ)

Delay entering the field of battle until all the other players have
become exhausted fighting amongst themselves. Then go in at full
strength and pick up the pieces.

10. Hide a knife behind a smile (traditional Chinese: 笑裏藏刀; simplified Chinese: 笑里藏刀; pinyin: Xiào lǐ cáng dāo)

Charm and ingratiate yourself to your enemy. When you have gained his trust, move against him in secret.

11. Sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree (Chinese: 李代桃僵; pinyin: Lǐ dài táo jiāng)

There are circumstances in which you must sacrifice short-term
objectives in order to gain the long-term goal. This is the scapegoat
strategy whereby someone else suffers the consequences so that the rest
do not.

Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms Period demonstrated this strategy. During
a siege, Cao's supplies ran low so he called in the supply captain and
told him to dilute the rice with water to save grains. When the
soldiers started to complain, Cao ordered for the captain to be killed.
He would explain to his troops that the captain had been selling
supplies to the enemy. This raised the army's morale and they were
victorious in a few more days.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 9535
العمر : 30
الدولة : دولة الخليج العربي, محافظة الكويت.
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/10/2007

كتاب The 36 Strategims Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالخميس 06 أغسطس 2009, 3:36 am

12. Take the opportunity to pilfer a goat (traditional Chinese: 順手牽羊; simplified Chinese: 顺手牵羊; pinyin: Shùn shǒu qiān yáng)

While carrying out your plans be flexible enough to take advantage of
any opportunity that presents itself, however small, and avail yourself
of any profit, however slight.

Chapter 3: Attacking Stratagems

13. Startle the snake by hitting the grass around it (traditional
Chinese: 打草驚蛇; simplified Chinese: 打草惊蛇; pinyin: Dá cǎo jīng shé)

Do something unaimed, but spectacular ("hitting the grass") to provoke
a response of the enemy ("startle the snake"), thereby giving away his
plans or position, or just taunt him. Do something unusual, strange,
and unexpected as this will arouse the enemy's suspicion and disrupt
his thinking. More widely used as "[Do not] startle the snake by
hitting the grass". An imprudent act will give your position or
intentions away to the enemy.

14. Borrow a corpse to resurrect the soul (traditional Chinese: 借屍還魂; simplified Chinese: 借尸还魂; pinyin: Jiè shī huán hún)

Take an institution, a technology, or a method that has been forgotten
or discarded and appropriate it for your own purpose. Revive something
from the past by giving it a new purpose or bring to life old ideas,
customs, or traditions and reinterpret them to fit your purposes.

15. Entice the tiger to leave its mountain lair (traditional Chinese: 調虎離山; simplified Chinese: 调虎离山; pinyin: Diào hǔ lí shān)

Never directly attack an opponent whose advantage is derived from its
position. Instead lure him away from his position thus separating him
from his source of strength.

At the Battle of Hastings the Normans were initially unable to break
the Saxon shield wall placed at the top of a hill, however by feigning
retreat they were able to entice some of the Saxons to break ranks and
opened a gap that allowed them to scatter the Saxon army.

16. In order to capture, one must let loose (traditional Chinese: 欲擒故縱; simplified Chinese: 欲擒故纵; pinyin: Yù qín gū zòng)

Cornered prey will often mount a final desperate attack. To prevent
this you let the enemy believe he still has a chance for freedom. His
will to fight is thus dampened by his desire to escape. When in the end
the freedom is proven a falsehood the enemy's morale will be defeated
and he will surrender without a fight.

17. Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem (traditional Chinese: 拋磚引玉; simplified Chinese: 抛砖引玉; pinyin: Pāo zhuān yǐn yù)

Bait someone by making him believe he gains something or just make him
react to it ("toss out a brick") and obtain something valuable from him
in return ("get a jade gem").

This proverb is based on a story involving two famous poets of the Tang
Dynasty. There was a great poet named Zhao Gu (趙嘏) and another lesser
poet by the name of Chang Jian (常建). While Chang Jian was traveling in
Suzhou, he heard news that Zhao Gu would be visiting a temple in the
area. Chang Jian wished to learn from the master poet, so he devised a
plan and went to the temple in advance, then wrote a poem on the temple
walls with only two of the four lines completed, hoping Zhao Gu would
see it and finish the poem. Zhao Gu acted as Chang Jian forsaw, and
from this story came the proverb.

* Often, China lures foreign investors with the prospect of
astronomical returns; in China, they discover that the figures were
grossly overestimated and face technology transfer treaties or suffer
from industrial espionage. (After von Senger)

* Advance fee fraud targets this belief in the victims: They are made
believe they will make sizable gains ("get a jade gem"), but first must
make down payments ("toss a brick"). As the initiators did "Create
something from Nothing" (strategem no. 7), the victims lose their

18. Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief (traditional Chinese: 擒賊擒王; simplified Chinese: 擒贼擒王; pinyin: Qín zéi qín wáng)

If the enemy's army is strong but is allied to the commander only by
money or threats, then take aim at the leader. If the commander falls
the rest of the army will disperse or come over to your side. If,
however, they are allied to the leader through loyalty then beware, the
army can continue to fight on after his death out of vengeance.

Chapter 4: Chaos Stratagems

19. Remove the firewood under the cooking pot (Chinese: 釜底抽薪; pinyin: Fǔ dǐ chōu xīn)

Take out the leading argument or asset of someone; "steal someone's thunder".

20. Catch a fish while the water is disturbed (traditional Chinese: 混水摸魚; simplified Chinese: 混水摸鱼; pinyin: Hún shuǐ mō yú)

Create confusion and use this confusion to further your own goals.

21. Slough off the cicada's golden shell (traditional Chinese: 金蟬脱殼; simplified Chinese: 金蝉脱壳; pinyin: Jīn chán tuō qiào)

Mask yourself. Either leave flamboyant traits behind, thus going
incognito; or just masquerade yourself and create an illusion to fit
your goals and distract others.

With the Battle of Gallipoli evacuation the British and Anzac forces
were able to retreat without being routed by creating the illusion that
their trenches remained occupied.

22. Shut the door to catch the thief (traditional Chinese: 關門捉賊; simplified Chinese: 关门捉贼; pinyin: Guān mén zhōu zéi)

If you have the chance to completely capture the enemy then you should
do so thereby bringing the battle or war to a quick and lasting
conclusion. To allow your enemy to escape plants the seeds for future
conflict. But if they succeed in escaping, be wary of giving chase.

23. Befriend a distant state while attacking a neighbour (traditional
Chinese: 遠交近攻; simplified Chinese: 远交近攻; pinyin: Yuǎn jiāo jìn gōng)

It is known that nations that border each other become enemies while
nations separated by distance and obstacles make better allies. When
you are the strongest in one field, your greatest threat is from the
second strongest in your field, not the strongest from another field.

Otto von Bismarck made the League of the Three Emperors and treaties
with the British Empire and Italy in order to isolate France, from
which he feared an attack.

24. Obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo (Chinese: 假道伐虢; pinyin: Jiǎ dào fá Guó)

Borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy. Once the
enemy is defeated, use those resources to turn on the ally that lent
you them in the first place.

The Peninsular War started when Napoleon attempted to conquer Spain by
stealth, under the guise of friendship and forming an alliance against
Britain and Portugal.

Chapter 5, Proximate Stratagems

25. Replace the beams with rotten timbers (traditional Chinese: 偷梁換柱; simplified Chinese: 偷梁换柱; pinyin: Tōu liáng huàn zhù)

Disrupt the enemy's formations, interfere with their methods of
operations, change the rules in which they are used to following, go
contrary to their standard training. In this way you remove the
supporting pillar, the common link that makes a group of men an
effective fighting force.

26. Point at the mulberry tree while cursing the locust tree
(traditional Chinese: 指桑罵槐; simplified Chinese: 指桑骂槐; pinyin: Zhǐ sāng
mà huái)

To discipline, control, or warn others whose status or position
excludes them from direct confrontation; use analogy and innuendo.
Without directly naming names, those accused cannot retaliate without
revealing their complicity.

27. Feign madness but keep your balance (traditional Chinese: 假痴不癲; simplified Chinese: 假痴不癫; pinyin: Jiǎ chī bù diān)

Hide behind the mask of a fool, a drunk, or a madman to create
confusion about your intentions and motivations. Lure your opponent
into underestimating your ability until, overconfident, he drops his
guard. Then you may attack.

Lucius Junius Brutus feigned idiocy for many years while he secretly
prepared to depose Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the last King of Rome.

28. Remove the ladder when the enemy has ascended to the roof (Chinese: 上屋抽梯; pinyin: Shàng wū chōu tī)

With baits and deceptions, lure your enemy into treacherous terrain.
Then cut off his lines of communication and avenue of escape. To save
himself, he must fight both your own forces and the elements of nature.

The Grande Armee was destroyed in the 1812 invasion of Russia by a
combination of the Russian winter, a scorched earth strategy, and the
Russian army. Napoleon had been spurred on by the prize of capturing
Moscow and with it the defeat of Russia; however, all he found was a
burnt out and empty city and his forces cut off in hostile terrain and
weather with no supplies.

29. Deck the tree with false blossoms (traditional Chinese: 樹上開花; simplified Chinese: 树上开花; pinyin: Shù shàng kāi huā)

Tying silk blossoms on a dead tree gives the illusion that the tree is
healthy. Through the use of artifice and disguise, make something of no
value appear valuable; of no threat appear dangerous; of no use appear

30. Make the host and the guest exchange roles (traditional Chinese: 反客為主; simplified Chinese: 反客为主; pinyin: Fǎn kè wéi zhǔ)

Usurp leadership in a situation where you are normally subordinate. Infiltrate your target.

Chapter 6: Defeat Stratagems

31. The beauty trap(honey trap) (traditional Chinese: 美人計; simplified Chinese: 美人计; pinyin: Měi rén jì)

Send your enemy beautiful women to cause discord within his camp. This
strategy can work on three levels. First, the ruler becomes so
enamoured with the beauty that he neglects his duties and allows his
vigilance to wane. Second, other males at court will begin to display
aggressive behaviour that inflames minor differences hindering
co-operation and destroying morale. Third, other females at court,
motivated by jealousy and envy, begin to plot intrigues further
exacerbating the situation.

Even though this has been done many times, perhaps the most famous
historical example is Xi Shi who was sent to the State of Wu during the
Spring and Autumn Period.

32. The empty fort strategy (traditional Chinese: 空城計; simplified Chinese: 空城计; pinyin: Kōng chéng jì)

When the enemy is superior in numbers and your situation is such that
you expect to be overrun at any moment, then drop all pretence of
military preparedness and act casually. Unless the enemy has an
accurate description of your situation, this unusual behaviour will
arouse suspicions. With luck, he will be dissuaded from attacking.

33. Let the enemy's own spy sow discord in the enemy camp (traditional
Chinese: 反間計; simplified Chinese: 反间计; pinyin: Fǎn jiàn jì)

Undermine your enemy's ability to fight by secretly causing discord
between him and his friends, allies, advisors, family, commanders,
soldiers, and population. While he is preoccupied settling internal
disputes, his ability to attack or defend, is compromised.

During the Second World War the German intelligence agency the Abwehr
under Wilhelm Canaris actively colluded with the Allies to undermine
the Nazi regime.

34. Inflict injury on one's self to win the enemy's trust (traditional Chinese: 苦肉計; simplified Chinese: 苦肉计; pinyin: Kǔ ròu jì)

Pretending to be injured has two possible applications. In the first,
the enemy is lulled into relaxing his guard since he no longer
considers you to be an immediate threat. The second is a way of
ingratiating yourself to your enemy by pretending the injury was caused
by a mutual enemy.

This strategy was perhaps best demonstrated during the Spring and
Autumn Period. After his defeat by King Fuchai of Wu, King Goujian of
Yue pretended to go to Wu to become a servant of Fuchai. After gaining
Fuchai's trust, Guo Jian was allow back to Yue. There he strengthened
his military and in 482 BC while Fuchai was trying to gain hegemony, he
attacked and conquered the capital. Some years later in 478 BC, he
annexed Wu and forced Fuchai to commit suicide.

35. Chain stratagems (traditional Chinese: 連環計; simplified Chinese: 连环计; pinyin: Lián huán jì)

In important matters, one should use several stratagems applied
simultaneously after another as in a chain of stratagems. Keep
different plans operating in an overall scheme; however, in this manner
if any one strategy fails, then the chain breaks and the whole scheme

36. If everything else fails, retreat (traditional Chinese: 走為上; simplified Chinese: 走为上; pinyin: Zǒu wéi shàng)

If it becomes obvious that your current course of action will lead to
defeat, then retreat and regroup. When your side is losing, there are
only three choices remaining: surrender, compromise, or escape.
Surrender is complete defeat, compromise is half defeat, but escape is
not defeat. As long as you are not defeated, you still have a chance.

This is the most famous one of the 36th strategy, immortalized in the
form of a Chinese idiom: "Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is
best." (三十六計,走為上策 - sānshí liù jì, zǒu wèi shàng cè
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

انثى عدد الرسائل : 111
العمر : 31
أفضل مملكة : Jin
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/05/2009

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالإثنين 17 أغسطس 2009, 5:52 am

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

باين عليه كتاب رهيب

لي عوده لقرائته الان ليس لدي وقت

شكرا لك

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Flying General
Flying General

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 4
العمر : 31
الدولة : المغرب
أفضل مملكة : Shu
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/09/2009

كتاب The 36 Strategims Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 15 سبتمبر 2009, 9:52 pm

وفي كتاب ثاني اخي وهو اعظم الكتب الحربية الصينية وهو كتاب فن الحرب للقائد Sun Tzu وهذا الكتاب استعمله العديد من القادة العظماء كجنكيز خان و Shingen Takeda....
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 9535
العمر : 30
الدولة : دولة الخليج العربي, محافظة الكويت.
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/10/2007

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالخميس 17 سبتمبر 2009, 8:47 am

مشكورين على مروركم شرفتوا الموضوع.

و هذا نص الكتاب مترجم الى العربية (شكرا للاخ عز مطير)

و هذا كتاب فنون الحرب Art of War بالعربي (شكرا للاخ عز مطير)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Taishi Ci
Taishi Ci

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 605
العمر : 32
الدولة : الكويت q8 kuwait
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/01/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالجمعة 18 سبتمبر 2009, 8:57 am

موضوع اكثر من رائع

بالتوفيق لك Yang Dayang
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Oda Nobunaga
Oda Nobunaga

عدد الرسائل : 528
العمر : 23
الدولة : الامارات دبي
أفضل مملكة : Shu
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/10/2011

كتاب The 36 Strategims Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب The 36 Strategims   كتاب The 36 Strategims Icon_minitimeالخميس 29 ديسمبر 2011, 3:31 am

شكران اخي عل الموضوع ولا كتاب عجبني
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كتاب The 36 Strategims
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