أسرار الممالك الثلاث
مرحباً , نتمنى أن تكون على ما يرام : تفضل بتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت أحد أعضاءنا , او تفضل بالتسجيل إذا أردت الانضمام إلى اسرتنا الكريمة.

تسجيلك في المنتدى سيمنحك فرصة المشاركة في المواضيع و ابراز رأيك في المنتدى, و ستفتح لك مميزات جديدة و اقسام جديدة لدخولها.
أسرار الممالك الثلاث
مرحباً , نتمنى أن تكون على ما يرام : تفضل بتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت أحد أعضاءنا , او تفضل بالتسجيل إذا أردت الانضمام إلى اسرتنا الكريمة.

تسجيلك في المنتدى سيمنحك فرصة المشاركة في المواضيع و ابراز رأيك في المنتدى, و ستفتح لك مميزات جديدة و اقسام جديدة لدخولها.
أسرار الممالك الثلاث
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى تاريخي , يهتم بتاريخ الممالك الثلاثة واليابان والتاريخ الاسلامي , ويشتمل المنتدى كذلك على اقسام أخرى متنوعة.
أحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولالرئيسية
يتم تفعيل العضوية الغير مفعلة من قبل نفس العضو عبر بريده الالكتروني بشكل دوري من قبل الإدارة لذى اذا لم يتمكن العضو من تفعيل عضويته عبر البريد الالكتروني سوف تتكفل الإدارة بذلك من خلال لوحة التحكم ..

نتائج البحث


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اقتباسات عشوائية


 تقييمك ل Sun Quan

اذهب الى الأسفل 
Xu Huang
Seet B.7.H
Kong Ming
The heart of lu xun
Sun lee
Hero Of Chaos
Liu Xuan De
(Guan Yu)
Lord Turki
Lu Meng
The Philosopher
21 مشترك
انتقل الى الصفحة : الصفحة السابقة  1, 2, 3  الصفحة التالية
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 15
العمر : 26
الدولة : الامارات
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/03/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالخميس 24 مارس 2011, 1:54 am

انزين ليييش سون كوين طرد لو شون و عياله

مع انهم كانو ربع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
The heart of lu xun
The heart of lu xun

انثى عدد الرسائل : 1213
العمر : 29
الدولة : في غرفة لوشون الي في Dynasty Warriors
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/12/2010

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالسبت 21 مايو 2011, 3:37 am

الاسباب كالاتي:
1-لانه غيران عشان لو شون احلى منه
2-لان سن كوان يشبه القرد والناس يخافون منه
3-لانه بغيض وغبي و اهبل وما يحب غير نفسه استنى حتى مات ابوه واخوه وخرب الwu

هذا رأيي انا وهذه هي الصراحة

إذا كلام خطأ اعيد وأقول هذا رايي بصراحة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 1393
العمر : 32
الدولة : الكويت
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/02/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالسبت 21 مايو 2011, 10:43 pm

ترا sun quan احلى من lu xun بالروايه لان sun quan لون شعره بنفسجي و لون عيونه خضر Mad
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Kong Ming

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 2607
العمر : 27
الدولة : Han Zhong
أفضل مملكة : Shu
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/02/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأحد 22 مايو 2011, 6:57 pm

هههههههه خلاص فلاح لاتعاند حقين wu ترا بيجيك رد منهم
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Xu Huang
The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister
Xu Huang

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 2990
العمر : 31
الدولة : K.S.A
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/07/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 27 يوليو 2011, 11:14 am

جاكم الزلزال اسمعوا
Sun Quan رجل اقتصاد جيد سياسي جيد عسكري فاشل مخطط فاشل
معاركة كلها خطط من المستشارين وبدين ما يعرف يفرز سلطته كيف ليو منق يعد م من غير اذن
لانه اخر من يعلم مايهمه الاشياء العسكرية
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 4298
العمر : 31
الدولة : kingdom Of Jin
أفضل مملكة : Jin
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/06/2010

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 27 يوليو 2011, 4:02 pm

جاكم الزلزال اسمعوا

الله يستر من الزلزال هذا Laughing

اقتباس :
اقتصاد جيد

راح أرفعه لممتاز

لأن الفترة من عام 230 إلى 250 كانت الدولة في إزدهار كبير جد جدا جدا

اقتباس :
سياسي جيد

راح أرفعه لجيد جدا لأنه كان يسمع لأراء المستشارين

بس كانت فيه مشكلة لو ماكنت موجودة فيه كان رفعته لممتاز

اللي هي

الصلاحيات اللي عطاها لناس

خربت عليه

اقتباس :
عسكري فاشل

أنا ما بين المتوسط والفاشل الصراحة

لا ننسى حروبه مع Liu Biao وضد Cao Cao في Ru Xu

اقتباس :
مخطط فاشل

هذي راح تكون متوسط

لأن الميزة الوحيدة

هي إستغلال الأخطاء

إبتكرها هو

وما كان أحد يستعملها

اقتباس :
معاركة كلها خطط من المستشارين وبدين ما يعرف يفرز سلطته كيف ليو منق يعد م من غير اذن

أجل تبيه يصير مثل Yuan Shao

هو ما جيد بالعسكرية وبالنسبة للسلطة وقتل Guan YU

Sun Quan كان موجود وحضر الأعدام(على ما أظن)

وسلطته هو خربها يوم عطى صلاحياته على قادة كبار ما تستاهل(لا أحد يفهمها غلط)

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Xu Huang
The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister
Xu Huang

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 2990
العمر : 31
الدولة : K.S.A
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/07/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 27 يوليو 2011, 7:44 pm

انا قصدي يفرز سلطته [من غير اهانة]زي Yuan Shao
اذا راجل غلط مايغلط نفس الغلط
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
wu's officer

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 11
العمر : 32
الدولة : الكويت
أفضل مملكة : Wu
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/07/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 10 أغسطس 2011, 10:32 am

أنا عندي سؤال محيرني ليش يحقدون على سون شوان و يقللون من قدرة , ماذا تعرف عنها عندي ؟
شنو إنجازاته
شنو القابه ؟
شنو طموحة ؟

أهو حكم وعمره 18 سنه , ومعركة CHIBI كان موقفه فاصل حيث كان أكثر المأيدون لأستسلام و لاكنه أمنا بقدرة Zhou Yu
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 1393
العمر : 32
الدولة : الكويت
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/02/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 10 أغسطس 2011, 11:46 am


الرابط هذا فيه سيرة sun quan ، فيها اشياء ما تنبلع و اجزاء محذوفه
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
wu's officer

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 11
العمر : 32
الدولة : الكويت
أفضل مملكة : Wu
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/07/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالسبت 13 أغسطس 2011, 9:31 pm

ماكو شي خيوا , وين ؟
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 1393
العمر : 32
الدولة : الكويت
أفضل مملكة : Wei
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/02/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأحد 14 أغسطس 2011, 12:41 am

اقتباس :
From Empiredividedtk.net...

Sun Quan written by Jon Bartlett

Sun Quan was styled Zhongmuo. His elder brother [Sun] Ce had already taken many regions by the time [Sun] Quan was 15 and served as Chief of Yangxian.(1) The region examined Xiaolian (T1) and the province elected him Maocai. He became Colonel Who Respects Rightousness. The Han [Dynasty] used [Sun] Ce to serve office and send tribute. The sent envoy Liu Wan to add Xitan. [Liu] Wan told the people, "I have looked well the brothers Sun, and they are all clever and perspicacious, but none of them have the very ultimate degree of good fortune. Only the second, Sun Quan, has the look of a deep thinker. His face is remarkable, and his build unusual, and he has the look of one who will come to great honor."

1. Jiang Biao Zhuan: When [Sun] Jian was serving under the Xiapei Chengshi, [Sun] Quan was born. He had a square jaw and a big mouth. His eyes were brilliant and he has an unusal resolute to him. He was in Gui Xiang when [Sun] Jian died. He followed [Sun] Ce took up affairs in Jiang Dong and [Sun] Quan followed him. By Nature he had great manner and was benevolent. He was a chivalrous person and a rising scholar. It was then that he began to hold official appointment equal to his father and his elder brother. He took parts in schemes and stratagems of [Sun] Ce and [Ce] gave him a personal appointment of office. Frequently [Sun Quan would entertain guests and they would look at [Sun Quan] and say, “Out of all these lords, you are one with a future.”

In the 4th year of Jian An [199], he followed [Sun] Ce to attack the Grand Administer of Lu Jiang, Liu Xun. [Liu] Xun was defeated and he advanced to attack Huang Zu in Shaxian. In the 5th year [200], [Sun] Ce died. He gave his power and affairs to [Sun] Quan. [Sun] Quan cried and did not give interest to affairs. [Sun] Ce’s Chief Clerk Zhang Zhao spoke to Quan, “Xiao Lian, this is the wrong time to weep and mourn. In the past the Duke of Zhou established strong laws in the absence of his brother and honored his father. At the present there are many bandits and wolves [Cruel Men] roaming in the way. If you truly desire to mourn for your family you may as well open the gates to the bandits.” This changed [Sun] Quan to put on his garm, send out messengers, and come out to make his rounds. At this time he only had control of Kuaiji, Wujun, Yunzhang, Danyang, and Luyang There are still dangerous and far-off places that have yet to be subdued, and throughout the land bold and daring men are making their presence known in the provinces and commanderies. For safety's sake you should follow my advice and send away at once the soldiers of visiting brigades who are lodged with you, as the relationship between yourself and your ministers has not yet solidified” Zhang Zhao and Zhou Yu together speak with [Sun] Quan to discuss how to complete the great cause [started by Sun Ce]. It so happened that indeed it was his heart and he took up garm and affairs. Cao Gong asked for [Sun] Quan to be appointed General Who Punished Bandits and Grand Administer of Kuaiji. For him to station his troops at Wu and also sent an official to help out with the administrative functions. (2)

2. Jiang Biao Zhuan: At first [Sun] Ce had Li Zhu serve as Grand Administer of Lu Jiang. [Sun] Ce died and [Li] Zhu was not willing to consent to [Sun] Quan’s authority. He rose up in rebellion and [Sun] Quan sent a letter demanding submission. [Li] Zhu replied, “I have my own ethics to return to but do not perceive rebellion. I shall not return.” [Sun] Quan was very angry. It was here that Cao Cao said, “The Inspector of Yan formerly governed fair and just and indeed improved his province for the future. Then there is [Li] Zhu who his evil and cruel. He had commit a crime and taken power for himself. He lives in excess. It would be proper to kill him therefore we will warn him. At the present I wish tp punish him, advancing from the state in mourning to do away with him. Blah Blah” Indeed that year, he rose troops to attack Wan Cheng. [Li] Zhu shut the gates and just defended. He beseeched Cao Cao for help. Cao Cao did not help and the supplies ran out. The men and women starved. The city was massacred and [Li] Zhu was beheaded. 30,000 people were moved.

He treated Zhang Zhao like a master giving him great gifts. He used Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, and Lu Fan to serve as generals. He recruited Yan Jun and began search for scholars to hire such as Lu Su and Zhuge Jin. He divided the troops amoung many generals and went to suppress the Shanyue. He sent a punitive expedition but does not follow.

In the 7th year [202], [Sun] Quan’s mother, Lady Wu, died. In the 8th year [203], he went west on an exxpidition against Huang Zu. He defeated his navy and only the city did not fall but Moutain bandits again rose up. [Sun] QUan returned to prepare and sent Lu Fan to pacify Poyang. (Kuaiji) and Cheng Pu on a punitive expedition to Yuean. Taishi of Linghai lost conscious and Han Dang, Lu Meng, and Zhou Tai served to create order in Ju region. In the 9th year [204], [Sun] QUan’s younger brother [Sun] Yi, the Grand Administer of Danyang caused a calamity so [Sun Quan] replaced him with Xiong Yu. (1) In the 10th year [205], [Sun] Quan sent He Qi on a punitive expedition to Shangrao and to serve to build up and pacify Jian Ping region. In the 12th year [207], he attacked Huang Zu in the west. HE took his people captive and returned.

1. Wu Lu: [Sun] Quan called a great meeting of his ministers. There was a great quarrel around Chen You. Is was said of him that, “That man talks to ministers about desiring to rebel.” [Chen] You knew he could not escape so said, “My lord resides in Xu [Chang] and I serve none but him. How could I not rebel?” He was forthwith killed. [Chen] You styled Zizheng was a man from Wujun. When he was eleven, Hua Xin was passing by and noticed that he was different and called out, “Youth, come up here to my chariot.” [Chenn] You shrunk away and declined saying, “Nobleman, you speak of good, but in the present day justice and humanity is slow, the taoist lifestyle is bad and the scholars hold our lives in their mouths. {Portion Omitted}

In the 13th year [208], [Sun] Quan again attacked Huang Zu. At first [Huang] Zu sent his navy to resist the army, but Chief Commandant Lu Meng broke his front. Ling Tong and Dong Xi attacked him and took his city. [Huang] Zu rather than die, fled. Riders pursued him and took his head. They took captive several tens of thousands people. Also that year [Sun Quan] sent He Qi on a punitive expedition to Yi and She. He was to divide She into Shexin, Xinding (1), Liyang, Xiuyang (2), and to use the 6 regions to serve as Xindu county. The Jingzhou Governor Liu Biao died. Lu Su asked to be able to sent to receive [Liu] Biao’s two sons and to observe any changes. [Lu] Su did not arrive in time and Cao Gong had already arrived in the territory. [Liu] Biao’s son [Liu] Zong elected to surrender. Liu Bei desired to cross the Jiang River. [Lu] Su met with him and passed on [Sun] Quan’s intentions. He observed [Liu Bei] be defeated. [Liu] Bei advanced to dwell in Xiakou and sent messenger Zhuge Liang to [Sun] Quan. [Sun] Quan dispatched Tong Yu and Cheng Pu as well. At this time Cao Gong had newly obtained [Liu] Biao’s forces and the circumstances were looking very favorably. Many discussed this and took this news with fear. Many advised [Sun] Quan to welcome him. Only [Zhou] Yu and [Lu] Su thought to resist him. [Sun] Quan took their advice. [Zhou] Yu and [Cheng] Pu served as left and right commanders and each was given 10,000 troops. They took part with [Liu] Bei to meet with Cao Gong at Chi Bi and greatly defeated his army. [Cao] Gong burned his remaining ships and led his retreat. Due to starvation and epidemic more than half perished. [Liu] Bei and [Zhou] Yu pursued to Nanjun. Cao Gong forthwith returned north and left Cao Ren and Xu Huang in Jiang Ling. (3) He sent Yue Jin to guard Xiang Yang. When Gan Ning was at Yiling, Cao Ren came and surrounded him. They used Lu Meng’s ruse and left Ling Tong to resist Cao Ren while [Lu] Meng led his half to rescue [Gan] Ning. The army was victorious. [Sun] Quan himself attacked He Fei and sent Zhang Zhao to attack Dangtu in Jiu Jiang. [Zhang] Zhao could not gain an advantage. [Sun] Quan attacked the city walls for more than a month but could not take them. Cao Gong upon returning from Jingzhou sent Zhang Xi to He Fei. Before he arrived, [Sun] Quan withdrew.

1. Wu Lu: Xin Ding was changed to become Suian
2. Wu Lu: Xiu Yang was changed to become Haining
3. Jiang Biao Zhuan recorded a letter from Cao Cao to [Sun] Quan: “I am coming to descend upon those who who are evil and I am aiming for the Southlands. Liu Zong is now restrained. At the present, my navy and army number 800,000. I am preparing to take Wu.” [Sun] Quan showed the letter to his statesmen and there were none who were not afraid.

In the 14th year [209], [Zhou] Yu and [Cao] Ren had been guarding for over a year and very many had been killed and injured. [Cao] Ren gave up the city and fled. [Sun] Quan used [Zhou] Yu to serve as Grand Administer of Nanjun. Liu Bei recommended [Sun] Quan as General of the Chariots and Cavalry and the Governor of Xuzhou. [Liu] Bei became the Governor of Jingzhou and stationed troops at Gong An. In the 15th year [210], Yuzhang commandary was divided into Poyang [and Yuzhang] and Changsha was divided into Hanchang [and Changsha]. He had Lu Su serve as Grand Administer [of Hanchang] and station soldiers at Lukou. In the 16th year [211], [Sun] Quan moved his capitol to Moling. In the next year [212], the city was built up with stone and was changed from Moling to Jian Ye. When he heard that Cao Gong planned to invade in the future he had a wall built up at Ruxu.

In the 1st month of the 18th year [213], Cao Cao attacked RuXu. Sun Quan resisted for a month. Cao Cao looked at Quan’s army organization, sighed respectfully and retreated. (1) Before this, when Cao Cao was at Qiao, he was afraid the people of the commanderies along the Yangzi would suffer from raiding by Sun Quan. He planned to bring them closer, Then people did become frightened, and more than one hundred thousand households from Lujiang, Jiujiang, Qichun and Guangling went east across the Yangzi, so the territory west of the river was abandoned. South from Hefei there was only Huan city.

1. Wu Li: Cao Gong came out to Ruxu and brought his Youchun [a type of ship]. In the night he tried to cross the river. [Sun] Quan used his navy to surround him and attack. He captured several thousand men and several thousand more drowned. [Sun] Quan frequently challenged him but [Cao] Gong held firmly to his defences and did not come out. [Sun] Quan then personally rode a Qingchuan out from Ba Xu Kou to [Cao] Gong’s army. All the [northern] generals wanted to come out to attack him. [Cao] Gong replied, “That is exactly what Sun Quan desires, for me to expose my navy.” He thereupon ordered the Crossbows to be on alert but did not send anyone out. When [Sun] QUan had traveled 5 or 6 li he turned around and went back. [Cao] Gong observed that his boat was all prepared for battle and orderly. He sighed and said, “If I were to have a son I would want him to be like Sun Zhongmuo. Liu Jingsheng’s sons are like a suckling pig and a dog.” [Sun] Quan sent [Cao] Gong a letter saying, “The spring waters are rising, you should get away.” [Cao] Gong showed it to his generals and said, “[Sun] Quan will not take advantage of me” and thus led his army to retreat.
2. Wei Lue: [Sun] Quan boarded a large ship and came to observe the army [meaning he is spying on the Cao camp]. The Duke [Cao Cao] ordered [the archers] to fire at will, shooting wildly at [Sun Quan's] ships. The arrows filled one side, causing it to tip over. For this reason Sun Quan order the ships to turn around. The other side was then receiving arrows. The ship was then balanced out by having near equal amounts of arows on both sides. [Sun Quan] then retreated. (Jiuwan)

In the 5th month of the 19th year [215], [Sun] Quan attacked Wan Cheng. In ther intercalary month he subdued the city. Lu Jiang Grand Adminstrator Zhu Guang and Advisor to the Army Dong He. Men and women numbered in the tens of thousands. Also in that year, Liu Bei took Shu [Yizhou]. [Sun] Quan, once [Liu] Bei obtained Yizhou, sent Zhuge Jin to request Jingzhou Region. [Liu] Bei did not allow saying, “I wish to take Liangzhou. Once I have obtained Liangzhou I will have no use for Jingzhou and can give it to Wu.” [Sun] Quan said, “This is borrowing without returning! He just wants to gain time through empty excuses.” He forthwith installed officials for the three southern prefectures. Guan Yu chased them out. Sun Quan was very angry so he sent Lu Meng with Yu Dan, Yu Zhong, and Sun Gui with 20,000 troops to take Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyong. He sent Lu Su with 10,000 troops to station at Baqiu to defend against Guan Yu. [Sun] Quan stationed at Lukou and supervised Army protocols and standards. [Lu] Meng arrived and two regions submitted. Only the Grand Administer of Lingling Hao Pu did not. It happened that [Liu] Bei arrived in Gongan and sent Guan Yu with 30,000 troops to go to Yiyang. [Sun] Quan thereupon sumoned [Lu] Meng to return to assist [Lu] Su. [Lu] Meng sent people to trick [Hao] Pu, and he surrendered. He therefore took the three regions. He then led his troops to return to join with Sun Jiao and Pan Zhang to merge with Lu Su forces to resist Guan Yu at Yiyang. Before there was a battle, Cao Gong entered Han Zhong and Liu Bei feared he would lose Yizhou. He sent a messenger requesting peace. He sent Zhuge Jin to accept and to furthermore form goodwill. Jingzhou was thereupon divided with Changsha, Jiangxia and Guiyong in the east belonging to [Sun] Quan and Nanjun, Lingling, and Wuling in the west belonging to [Liu] Bei. [Liu] Bei returned but Cao Gong had already left. [Sun] Quan from Lukou attacked He Fei. He Fei did not fall and he led the troops to return. The soldiers had all aready started to pull away and Sun Quan with Ling Tong and Gan Ning were located north of the river when Wei General Zhang Liao raided them. [Ling] Tong almost died and [Sun] Quan used his steed to jump the bridge to saftey. (1)

1. Xiandi Spring and Fall Annuls: Zhang Liao asked some surrendered people about Wu, “The Purple Beard General, is a good leader and lacking in little. He is a good horseman and a good bowman. Is this true?” The surrendered men replied, “This is true of Sun Kuaiji (I).” [Zhang] Liao and Yue Jin meet and discuss [their plan to attack Sun Quan] in the mourning. They quickly pursue with hatred.
Jiang Biao Zhuan: [Sun] Quan rode his excellent horse to try and ford the river. The bridge had been destroyed and the river was a zhang (II) across. He waited then grasped the saddle, cracked his whip and his horse displayed great strength and lept the gap. Thus [Sun] Quan was able to escape. He then kowtowed to the Marquis of Douting. The event acted as a lesson for [Sun] Quan to be more catious and prudent when ruling. His nature was of loyalty as well as intelligence and fiery. He received a letter that read that he should not be so careless. [Sun] Quan took the advice.

I. Sun Quan was the Grand Administer of Kuaji and thus was sometimes referred to by his location, Kuaiji.
II. A Zhang is equal to about 3.3 meters in modern day conversions.

In the 21st year [217], winter, Cao Gong moved to Ju Chao and forthwith attacked Ruxu. In the 22nd year [218], spring, [Sun] Quan ordered Xu Xiang to go to Cao Gong to ask to surrender. [Cao] Gong announced that he wanted to cultivate good will and arranged a marriage between the two families. In the 10th month of the 23rd year [219], A general under Sun Quan was in the territories of Wu hunting for tigers while riding a horse in Cheng Ting. However, his horse was injured after it got bitten by a tiger. Sun Quan, who was present, immediately hurled halberds (at the tiger) to rescue his man. The tiger fled after it was hurt. A personal bodyguard named Zhang Shi used a flat-headed halberd to attack the tiger and successfully overpowered the animal.

In the 24th year [220], Guan Yu surrounded Cao Ren at Xiang Yang. Cao Gong dispatched General of the Left Yu Jin to assit him. It happened that the Han River overflowed and [Guan] Yu used a boat to capture [Yu] Jin. He marched and rode 30,000 troops to Jiang Ling. Only the city walls did not fall. On the inside, [Sun] Quan feared [Guan] Yu, but on the outside he considered him a great hero. He had a letter from Cao Gong asking him to attack [Guan] Yu. Cao Gong furthermore wanted to send a messenger to [Guan] Yu so that he would fight with [Sun] QUan. Cao Gong passed on [Sun] Quan’s letter and it was passed from Cao Reng by crossbow to [Guan] Yu. [Guan] Yu hesitated but did not leave. In the intercalary month, [Sun] Quan attacked [Guan] Yu. At first he sent Lu Meng to take Gong An and take captive Shi Ren. [Lu] Meng arrived at Nanjun and the Grand Administer of Nanjun, Mi Fang, surrendered. He treated the old and weak kindly and he relased Yu Jin. Liu Xun departed to take Yidu and captured Zigui, Zhi Jiang, Yidao, and returned to station soldiers at Yiling and guard Xiakou against [Liu] Bei’s Shu. Guan Yu returned to Dangyang to protect Mai City. [Sun] Quan sent a messenger to entice him. Guan Yu pretended to surrender, but he set pennons and flags on the wall to look like men and then fled away. All his soldiers had scattered and he had only 10 riders with him. Earlier [Sun] Quan had sent Zhu Ran and Pan Zhang to cut off all paths of retreat. In the 12th month, [Pan] Zhang’s Major, Ma Zhong, captured [Guan] Yu with his son [Guan] Ping and Chief Controller Zhao Lei in Zhang County. He forthwith had complete control of Jingzhou. Also that year there was a great epidemic and [Sun Quan] did away with the Jingzhou land tax. Cao Gong recommended [Sun] Quan to be General of the Flying Cavalry. He was furthermore given Jie and the Governorship of Jingzhou and conferred as the Marquis of Nanchang. [Sun] Quan sent Colonel Liang Yu (1) to send tribute to the Han and sent back Zhu Guang.

1. Wei Lue: Liang Yu styled Kongru was a man from Wu. [Sun] Quan originally sent [Liang] Yu to spy on Cao Cao. Cao Cao thought he was official and sent him back south.

In the 1st month of the 25th year [221], spring, Cao Gong died. His heir apparent, [Cao] Pi replaced him as Prime Minister and King of Wei. He changed the year to Yan Kang. In autumn, Wei general Mei Fu sent a messenger to Zhang Jian to meet in Funa. From Nanyang yin, Zanzhu Yang, Shandu, ZHonglu, and 5 counties, people numbering 5,000 came. Winter, Wei suceeded Han and the year was changed to Huang Chu.

1. Wei Lue: [Sun] Quan heard that Cao Pi had taken the throne and that Liu Bei had declared himself Emperor. He sighed and consulted the stars on what he should do. {Portion Omitted}

In the 4th month of the 2nd year [222], Liu Bei became Emperor of Shu. (1) Sun Quan moved his capitol from Gong An to Wu Chang. He therefore used Wu Chang, Xiazhi, Xunyang, Yangxin, Chaisang, and Shaxian to become Wu Chang Prefecture. In the 8th month, Sun Quan stationed himself at Wu Chang. He issued this edict to his generals: “While living, we must not forget about the onset of destruction. In times of peace, we cannot disregard dangers from happening. This is a lesson taught by the Ancients. In the early days of the Han dynasty, an famous official called Jun Bu Yi never went without a weapon even during such peaceful times. This is to inform us that a gentleman must not be careless when it comes to martial matters. Moreover, we dwell among powerful enemies and in times when rabid wolves (ruthless men) prevail. How can we be slack in our attitudes and not consider the approach of hard times?" From Wei Wendi [Cao Pi] took the throne and Sun Quan sent a messenger with his praise. He also sent back Yu Jin. In the 11th month, an envoy to [Sun] Quan said, “By the laws and customs of the kings you shall be established with a feudal rank. You have worked hard in the south to accomplish great merit. You have prepared to open up the land and you have prepared the substances. You certainly are worthy and wise. In the beginning of the Han the land was split up amoung 8 princes. I, not from virtue, but rather from good fortune have inherited the grand lands. I replaced a generation and govern the skies. Because you have given peace and comfort to the southeast and granted government to the lands beyond the Yangzi, so the people may follow their occupations in peace and none of them go astray; therefore we grant you the Great Carriage and the War Carriage, one of each, with Two Black Stallions. You have paid attention to the revenues of the state and you have encouraged farming, so the granaries and storehouses are filled to completion; therefore we grant you the Clothes and Bonnets of Honour, with
Red Slippers to match. You reform the people by your virtue, and ceremony and teaching are brought to effect; therefore we grant you Suspended Musical Instruments to be displayed in your palace. You have propagated good customs among the people, and by your moral influence you have brought the many tribes of the Yue to submit; therefore we grant you the right to dwell behind Vermilion Doors. You have made best use of your talents and good judgement, and you give appointments to the just and worthy men; therefore we grant you the right to ascend the Inner Staircase. Your loyalty and bravery are displayed together, and you clear away and eliminate evil and vice; therefore we grant you One Hundred Warriors Rapid as Tigers. You have shown your authority far and wide, you have displayed your power in Jing and the south, you destroy and exterminate criminals and wrong-doers, and so the caitiffs are taken; therefore we grant you the Ceremonial Axe and the Battle Axe, one of each. You have given good government and peace within your territory, and your valour and good faith are shown abroad; therefore we grant you One Scarlet Bow with One Hundred Scarlet Arrows and Ten Black Bows with One Thousand Black Arrows. You have taken loyalty and respect as the basis for your conduct, and generosity and diligence are your virtues; therefore we grant you One Goblet of the Black Millet Herb-flavoured Liquor, with a Jade Libation Cup to match. (RdCres) By royal decree: Show respect for the example set by the laws, submit yourselves to my command, and glorify our homeland, so that we may display our strength for all time” That year, Liu Bei came on a campaign to wushan and Zigui. He sent a messenger to the barbarians of Wuling to entice them to rise up with promises of ranks and riches. Thereupon all the peoples of the 5 creeks rose in rebellion to serve Shu. [Sun] Quan then used Lu Xun to serve as commander with commanders Zhu Ran and Pan Zhang to resist him. HE also dispatched Zhao Zi (3Wei. Wendi asked, “What type of ruler is the King of Wu?” [Zhao] Zi responded, “He is Intelligent, clear-sighted, wise, brave, and perspicacious.” The Emperor asked him to explain his statement. Zi said, “He made use of Lu Su among the officials of high ranks, which shows his intelligence. He chose Lu Meng as leader of all armies, which showed his clear-sightedness. He captured Yu Jin but did not hurt him, which shows his kindliness. He took Jingzhou without slaughter, which shows his wisdom. He maintains the Three Rivers so as to command the respect of the empire, which shows his boldness. Lastly, he bows before Your Majesty, which shows his perspicacity.” The Emperor wanted [Sun] Quan’s son [Sun] Deng as a hostage but [Sun] Quan thought he was too young. He sent a letter declining and again later sent an official, Shen Heng (4), to express his thanks and to offer just compensation. [Sun] Deng was set up as the Heir Apparent of the King. (5)

1. Wei Lue: [Sun] Quan heard that Wendi [Cao Pi] was contemplating Liu Bei’s declaration of Emperoship.

2. Jiang Biao Zhuan: Sun Quan discussed with his ministers the proposition of the 9 dignitaries from and Wei and whether or not to accept them. [Sun] Quan said, “The 9 dignitaries in ancient times were not made known. Formerly Pei Gong [Liu Bang] received Xiang Yu to serve as a Han King and it is suitable for me to serve Wei. What could be wrong?” Sun Sheng said, “

3. Wu Shu: [Zhao] Zi styled Dedu, was a man from Nanyang. He was a great writer and could respond in debates rapidly. When [Sun] Quan served as the King of Wu, he was selected out of the ministers to go to Wei. He was brought before Wendi [Cao Pi] who mockingly asked, “Is the King of Wu learned?” [Zhao] Zi responded, “The King of Wu commands a large fleet of ten thousand battleships and a huge army of million armored soldiers. He endeavors to find wise and capable people to help him, and his mind is full of plans and projects. When he has a little leisure, he reads the histories and the annals, for the sake of the general lessons to be learned therefrom. He is no dry as dust pedant seeking remarkable passages and culling model sentences.” The Emperor then asked, “Do you think I could overcome Wu?" [Zhao] Zi replied, "If a large state has military force to attack, a small one has also preparations for defense." Again he asked, "Does Wu fear Wei?" [Zhao] Zi responded, "How can you think so, considering our army of million armored soldiers and the defensive moats we have in the River Han and the Great River?" [Cao Pi] asked, "How many such persons as high minister does Wu possess?" [Zhao] Zi answered, "Nearly a hundred intelligent and specially qualified ministers like your servants; of my sort of ordinary knowledge there are too many to reckon up." When he returned to Wu, [Sun] Quan highly praised him and rewarded him.

4. Wu Shu: [Shen] Heng styled Zhongshan was a man from Wujun. When he was young he was talented in classic works and he was especially good at the Spring and Autumn Chronicles. [Sun] Quan knew that [Shen] Heng was very good at making plans so he sent him to Wei. Wendi [Cao Pi] asked [Shen] Heng, “Wu hates Wei’s attention to the East?” [Shen] Heng replied, “[Wu] does not dislike it.” [Cao] Pi asked, “Why is that?” [Shen Heng] responded, “It is because we trust the old oath and therefore have no reason to dislike [the attention]. If Wei challenged the oath we would be prepared.” [Cao Pi] then asked, “I hear that the heir apparent [Sun Deng] is coming, is this correct?” [Shen Heng] answered, “The ministers in the East no not travel. They wish to have a banquet. When he comes you will hear of it.” [Cao Pi] was pleased with him and finished the conversation.

5. Jiang Biao Zhuan: At this time Wei Wendi sent a messenger to request Quetuo Xiang, Great sums of money, Elephant Tusks, Rhinoceros Horns, Tortiose Jade, Kongque (), Green Jade, Dou Ducks, and Changming Chicken. The ministers memorialized, “The two provinces of Jing and Yang offer tribute according to law. Wei demands very rare items that are not a part of social custom. It would be suitable not to give in.” [Sun] Quan replied, “Formerly I was bestowed the rank of a King. The traveler will say, ‘Today the Kings are equal, why does one roll over?’ the favored son will say, “Those people wish to strike at the eldest son, however materials can be sent in place of him. And eldest son is heavy and materials are light. By means of something light one can replace something that is heavy. Why should one not act accordingly? While they deal with affairs in the northwest, the common people across the Yantze rely on their lord for their instruction. Should they see me not love my son? If that is all he demands then I will give him materials only.” All the items were granted to him.

In the 1st month of the 1st year of Huang Wu [222], Lu Xun and General of the Ministry Song Qian attack 5 Shu camps, defeat them everywhere, and behead his general. In the 3rd month there are rumors of a Yellow Dragon being seen in Poyang. Shu’s army seizes Xiande and streches out 50 camps. Lu Xun waits and only resists him from the 1st month until the intercalary month then greatly defeats him. He follows and beheads men. Soldiers come to surrender numbering several tens of thousands. Liu Bei fled on foot and just barely escaped. (1)

1. Wu Lu: [Sun] Quan sent an envoy to start a marriage with Wei. He wrote about how he defeated [Liu] Bei in the west and requested an increase to his rank and power. Wendi [Cao Pi] sent the messenger back with great fur garments, armors, and horses. He also sent a letter with poetry prose to give to [Sun] Quan. It read, “Your borders were threatened and attacked. On the inside you forced the criminal to stop, and on the outside you surrounded youself with wisdom and power. In the past we saw [Liu Bei] divide his troops to attack Yiling. His plan did not work and he did not conquer Jiang Dong. In short he took no land and his force destroyed and dispersed. It’s as though his vital organs were cut out. Becausee of his great defeated and divided troops many of the bandits were captured. Formerly Wu first burned then at Jingmeng (The Door to Jing) and later purused to Yiling and Ziyang and none could escape the death.”

At first [Sun] Quan entrusted his external affairs with Wei, while his heart was not so. Wei wanted to loosen their borders and to send someone [Huan Jie] to take part and swear an oath [with Wu]. Furthermore they wanted a son as a hostage. [Sun] Quan did not permit and refused the proposal. In the 7th month, Wei thereupon sent Cao Xiu, Zhang Liao, and Zang Ba to go Dongkou; Cao Ren to go to RuXu; Cao Zhen, Xiahou Shang, Zhang He, and Xu Huang to surround Nanjun. [Sun] Quan dispatched Lu Fan to led 5 armies. He used his navy to resist Cao Xiu; Zhuge Jin, Pan Zhang, and Yang Can to save Nanjun; and Zhu Huan to use the RuXu army to resist [Cao] Ren. Also that year, there were many Yue and Man barbarians who were not pacified. The internal calamity had not stopped.Therefore [Sun] Quan submitted a letter asking for the severity to be lessened saying, “If the crime is forgiven and eliminated, I will return the land and people. I ask that you let me retire to Jiaozhou and live out the rest of my days” Wendi responded, “When the Lord pressed your borders with force. You surrendered and offered your state and enjoyed his blessing. At first you followed [Sun] Ce’s rank and sent tribute to Luo [Yang] then you went and punished [Liu] Bei with great results. ????,????. I granted you a kingdom and the great rightouness was setteled. Now you are content to toil away in the distant lands over the Yang Tze? The court has talked this over and do not want a king that will monopolize his position.{Portion Omitted}If you would like to restore your vow of loyalty and remove any suspicion, when [Sun] Deng comes in the morning I will order my troops to withdraw that evening. ????,????!” (1)Sun Quan thus [declared himself independent and] changed the year and took to defending the river. In the 11th month there was a great wind. [Lu] Fan’s soldiers drowned number several thousand. The remaining army returned to Jiangnan. Cao Xie sent Zang Ba to take the several hundred light vessels to dare 10,000 men and attack Xuling. They burned the city walls and killed and plundered several thousand. Quan Cong and Zu Sheng pursue and behead the Wei general Yin Lu. They capture and kill several hundred. In the 12th month, [Sun] Quan sent taizhong daifu Zheng Quan to Liu Bei in Baidi and began diplomatic comomunications. (3) Throughout this time there were communications between Wendi and Sun QUan until the next year when they were cut short. Also that year, Yiling was changed to be called Xiling.

1. Wei Lue: Hao Zhou styled Kongyi was a man from Shang Dang. In the middle of Jian An he served as Xialing. Later he became the Inspector of Xuzhou. Eventually he was sent to fight with Yu Jin and was captured by Guan Yu. When Sun Quan attacked Guan Yu, he aquired [Hao] Zhou and was very kind to him. When Wendi [Cao Pi] set [Sun] Quan up as a king [Hao] Zhou was sent back to Wei. From there he wrote a letter to the Wei Emperor saying, {correspondence omitted}

3. Jiang Biao Zhuan: [Sun] Quan said, “I have now received Xuande’s letter. He is asking for us to return to the old good ways. He wishes to have rank to serve in Shu and become the Han Emperor. In the present the Han [Dynasty] is dead. He personally has taken the rank of King of Han Zhong.”
Wu Shu: Zheng Quan styled Wenyuan was a man from Chen Jun. He had a broad education and an unsually determiniation, however he had a weakness for alcohol. [Zhang Quan] once said, “?????????,????????,?????,?????????????,????,????!” Sun Quan had him serve as a Lang Zhong. He said, “

In the 1st month of the 2nd year [223], Cao Zhen split his force to take Jiangling in the middle of the province. (1) In the 3rd month Cao Ren dispatched general Cheng Diao to take 5,000 men in light vessels to cross to RuXu. [Cao] Ren’s son [Cao] Tai, guided the army to quickly attack Zhu Huan but [Zhu] Huan’s soldiers resisted him. He sent general Yan Gui strike [Cheng] Diao and he routed him. In that month, all Wei armies retreated. In the 4th month, [Sun] Quan’s officals urged him to honor himself and become Emperor but he did not. (2) Liu Bei died in Baidi.(3) In the 5th month, Gan Lu surrendered. Early, a general guarding Xikou, killed Wang Zhi and rebelled to Wei. Wei used him to serve as Grand Administer of Qichun and he frequently raided the border. In the 6th month, [Sun] Quan ordered He Qi, Mi Fang, and Liu Shao to take Qichun. [Liu] Shao took [Jin] Zong captive. In the 10th month, Shu sent Prefect of the Gentleman of the Household Deng Ai to Wu.

1. Jiang Biao Zhuan: {Note Omitted}

2. Jiang Biao Zhuan {Note Omitted}

3. Wu Shu: Sun Quan sent Controller Commandant Feng Xi to Shu to restore friendly relations and given his condolences about Liu Bei’s death. [Feng] XI styled Zirou was a man from Yin Chuan. [Sun] Quan used him as a historian. Later he was sent as an Ambassador to Shu and even later to Wei. Wendi [Cao Pi] asked him, “{Conversation Ommitted}

In the summer of the 3rd year [224], Prefect of the Gentleman of the Household Who Supports Rightousness, Zhang Wen as an emissary to Shu. In the 8th month, he pardon his faults. In the 9th month, Wendi came out to GuangLing and overlooked the great river [and saw Xu Sheng’s wall] and said, “Where are all those men? We cannot plan” He thereupon retreated.

In the 5th month of the 4th year [225], Prime Minister Sun Shao died. In the 6th month, Grand Master of Ceremonies, Gu Yong, became the new Prime Minster. In the 12th month, a Poyang bandit, Peng Qi rose and called himself a general attacking several districts with several tens of thousands of men. That year there was an earthquake.

In the 5th year [226], there was a decree to be lenient and help the refuges of the north with agricultural reforms. “The army flourishes but the people leave their farms. Fathers, sons, husbands, and wives, do not listen to each other’s pity. They are orphaned really. Now the North captures then and they try to flee. Outside of there they are in under [our] state. They will be used leniently.” At this time Lu Xun used Shao Valley to follow the order. He used many generals to expand the agriculture by the acres. [Sun] Quan announced, “This is very good. Now father’s and son’s can receive farm land. They will get 8 oxen to serve as 4 pairs. Now they will desire to take part together to work it.” In the 7th month, [Sun] Quan heard that Wei’s Wendi [Cao Pi] died and thus attacked Jiangxia and besieged Shiyang. He could not overcome and withdrew. In the Cangwu there were rumors of a sighting of a Phoenix [Fenghuang]. Three prefectures were split and using 10 districts a Dongan prefecture was made. Quan Cong served as the Grand Administer and went on a punitive expedition against the Shanyue. That year, Jiaozhou was divided into Guangzhou [and Jiaozhou].

In the 1st month of the 5th year [227], Peng Qi was captured. In the intercalary month, Han Dang’s son [Han] Zong brought his force to surrender to Wei. In the 3rd month of the 7th year [228], [Sun] Lu was endeoffed as the Marquis of Jianchang. The prefecture of Dongan was suspended. In the 5th month, the Grand Administer of Poyang faked rebellion to entice Wei general Cao Xiu. In the 8th month, [Sun] Quan arrived in Wankou and dispatched general Lu Xun to command various generals to greatly defeat [Cao] Xiu at Shiting. The Commander-in-Chief Lu Fan died. Also that year Hepu commandary was changed to Nanguan commandary. (1)

1. Jiang Biao Zhuan: That year General Di Dan rebelled to Wei.

In the 1st year of Huang Long [229], summer, the ministers of [Sun] Quan urged him to take the throne. In the 4th month there were sightings of a Yellow Dragon [Huang Long] and a Phoenix in Xiakou and Wuchang. Bingshen, [Sun Quan] rightfully took the throne. The year was changed [to Huang Long] and he honored his father, the General Who Captured Insurgents, [Sun] Jian, as Wu Lie Huang Di [Martially Glorious Emperor] and his mother Lady Wu to be Wu Lie Wu Huang Huo [Martially Glorious Empress]. His elder brother [Sun] Ce was made King of Changsha. The Heir Apparent to the King of Wu was made so to the Emperor of Wu. Many officials were granted nobility and given gifts.

In the 6th month, Colonels Zhang Gang and Guan Du were dispatched to Liaodong. In the 6th month Shu dispatched Commandant of the Guards Chen Zhen to welcome [Sun] Quan to the throne. [Sun] Quan thereupon took part in dividing the land under Heaven. Yu, Xu, Qing, and You would belong to Wu and Liang, Ji, Bing, and Yan would belong to Shu. They would split Sili with Han valley as the boundry. They then swore and oath of loyalty. In the 9th month, [Sun] Quan moved the capitol to Jian Ye. He had built it up. He put Grand General-in-Chief Lu Xun to assist the Heir Apparent [Sun] Deng and in charge of Wuchang affairs.

In the 1st month of the 2nd year [230], Wei built a new city at He Fei. There was an Imperial Order to set up sacrifice, and to have education for all sons. Generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi were dispatched to gather 10,000 men to cross the ocean to Yizhou and Danzhou. Danzhou was located in the middle of the Ocean. Elders would speak of it: the Qin dispatched scholar Xu Fu to prepare Men, Children, and women numbering several thousand to enter the ocean. They searched for Penglai Shenshan, and Xianyao [all heavenly lands], they stopped at these islands, but did not return. The generations continued one after another and the increasing population resulted in there being ten thousand families there. Sometimes they would come to Kuaiji to trade goods. In Kuaiji there were some men from Dongxian who traveled the sea and one time a gale of wind blew them all the way to Danzhou. Its location was elusive and distant and the soldiers were unable to reach it, so they returned with only a few thousand men from Yizhou.

In the 2nd month of the 3rd year [231], Master of Ceremonies Pan Jun was
dispatched with 50,000 men on a punitive expedition against the Man barbarians of Wuling. Wei Wen and ZHuge Zhi under all cases violated the Imperial order. They were imprisoned then executed. In the summer the Silkworm completed it’s cocoon and it was great harvest. Youquan rice paddies were growing so they changed to grow wheat. General of the Gentleman of the Household Sun Bu pretended to surrender to entice Wei
General Wang Ling. [Wang] Ling was to use his army to welcome him. In the 10th month, [Sun] Quan used his great army to hide in ambush Fuling to wait for him. [Wang] Ling found out and did not come. South of Kuaiji in Shiping there are reports of excellent grain. The reign year was then altered to Jia He [Excellent Grain].

In the 1st month of the 1st year of Jia He [232], the Marquis of Jianchang [Sun] Lu died. In the 3rd month general Zhou He and Colonel Pei Qian were dispatched to Liaodong. In the 9th month, Wei General Tian Yu attacked and beheaded [Zhou] He in Chengman. In the 10th month, Wei’s Grand Administer of Liaodong, Gongsun Yuan, dispatched Colonel Xiu Shu and Prefect of the Gentlemen of the Palace Sun Zong to Sun Quan. They furthermore offered him a Diaoma [Sable Horse]. [Sun] Quan was greatly pleased and set up [Gongsun] Yuan as nobility.

In the 1st month of the 2nd year [233], there was an Imperial Order to inspire the people. In the 3rd month, [Xiu] Shu and [Sun] Zong returned. Master of Ceremonies Zhang Mi,Bearer of the Gilded Mace Xu Yan, and general He Da to brought great precious jewels and metals and sail to [Gongsun] Yuan. He elected a chancellor. From himself Prime Minister [Gu] Yong admonished. He believed that [Gongsun] Yuan could not be trusted and that they should not pamper him. However [Sun] Quan ignored them and sent an escort of several hundred soldiers with [Xiu] Shu and [Sun] Zong. [Gongsun] Yuan beheaded [Zhang] Mi and presented his head to Wei. He killed his soldiers. Imperial Secretist Xue Zong admoinished him and he thereupon stopped. Also that year, Sun Quan guided his troops towards He Fei and dispatched general Quan Qiong to attack Liuan. In all cases they could not prevail and returned.

In the 1st month of the 3rd year [234], there was an Imperial Order for the commanders to help make the soldiers happier. In the 4th month, [Sun] Quan dispatched Lu Xun and Zhuge Jin to station soldiers in JiangXia and Miankou; Sun Shao and Zhang Chen to guide towards Guangling and Huaiyang; and [Sun] Quan was to led a large force to besiege Xin Cheng in He Fei. At this time, Shu’s Zhuge Liang came out to Wugong. [Sun] Quan spoke of how Mingdi could not come out to such a remote location nor send troops to help Sima Yi repel [Zhuge] Liang. From himself he crossed the river to attack East. HE could not reach Shouchun and thereupon returned. Sun Shao also stopped. In the 8th month, Zhuge Ke became the Grand Administer of Danyang and sent him on a punitive expedition against the Shanyue. In the 9th month, there was a meteor in Shuangshang valley. In the 11th month, Master of Ceremonies Pan Jun finished pacifying the Wuling Man barbarians and returned to Wuchang. There was an Imperial order for Qua to serve as Yunyang and Dantu to serve as Wujin. Luling bandits Li Huan and Lou Li caused calamity.

In the summer of the 4th year [235], Lu Dai was dispatched against [Li] Huan. In the 7th month, there was hail. Wei sent a messenger asking to trade horses for pearls, emerals, and jade. [Sun] Quan said, “Of these things we do not need them, however, horses we certainly do. Why bother with things of no use when one can make a trade?”

In the spring of the 5th year [236], coins were cast into one big one that was worth 500. There was an Imperial Order prohibiting the creation of coins [privately]. In the 2nd month there were rumors in Wu Chang that Gan Lu surrendered. The General Who support Wu, Zhang Zhao died. General of the Gentleman of the Household Wu Can captured [Li] Huan and general Tang Zi captured [Lou] Li. In the 10th month there was no rain and it did not rain for the whole summer. There was also a comet seen in Dongfeng. Poyang Bandit Peng Dan acted to cause calamity.

In the 1st month of the 6th year [237], there was an Imperial Edict about the state of affairs. Prime Minister [Gu] Yong presented a memorial to the Great Lord. Later the prefect of Wu, Meng Zong’s mother died and he rushed home to the funeral. When he returned to Wuchang he was sentenced to a punishment. Lu Xun expressed his feelings on the matter and talked to Sun Quan. [Sun] Quan thereupon dimished the punsishment greatly. Later he did not consider this [punishment] to be right and thereupon got rid of it. In the 2nd month, Lu Xun went on a punitive expedition against Peng Dan. Within a year he was completely defeated. In the 10th month, General of the Guards Quan Cong was dispatched to attack Liuan. He could not prevail. Zhuge Ke completely pacified the Shanyue then stationed his troops in the north in Lu Jiang.

In the spring of the 1st year of Chi Wu [238], there were 1,000 large coins cast. In the summer, Lu Dai finished his punitive campaign on Luling and returned to Lukou. In the 8th month, there was a Unicorn spotted. There was a memorial presented that the unicorn represented peace and serenity and thus the reign year should be changed. There was an Imperial Order reading, “There was a Red Crow seen in Dianqian. This supernatural event seems quite auspicious. The reign year shall be changed to Red Crow [Chi Wu] and the year will be the 1st.” There was a memorial presented which read, “In the past the King of Wu descended upon Zhou there was a Red Crow which was auspicious. The lord’s ministers follow him and the land under heaven. The sign looks to be very good.” Thereupon the reign year was changed. Lady Bu died and [Sun Quan] presented a memorial to the Empress. At first [Sun] Quan had trust in Xiao Shi Lu Yi. [Lu] Yi’s nature was strict and cruel and very deep going. Heir Apparent [Sun] Deng frequently admonished him but [Sun] Quan did not accept. Of the ministers, there are none who dared speak up. Later [Lu] Yi was found to be a traitor and was executed. [Sun] Quan took the blame for himself. He thereupon sent a messenger to Yuan Li for him to thank the various general [who had stood up and pointed out Lu Yi’s crimes] and to give him a report of the current events and profits and descrease. [Yuan] Li returned and there was an Imperial Order to reproach Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Zhu Ran, and Lu Dai.

In the 3rd month of the 2nd year [239], Yang Dao, Zheng Zhou, and Sun Yi were dispatched as envoys to Liaodong. They attacked Wei’s defending Generals Zhang Chi and Gao Lu. They took their people captive. In Lingling there were rumors that Gan Lu surrendered. In the 10th month, general Jiang Mi asked to go on a punitive expedition to the south against the Barbarians. In actuality he received the Chief Controller Liao Shi and killed the Grand Admininster of LinHe, Yan Gang. He called himself the General Who Pacifies the South and together with his younger brother [Jiang] Qian attacked Lingling, Guiyang, and cause disturbance in Jiaozhou, Cangwu, Yulin, and various other commandaries. His forces number several tens of thousands. [Sun Quan] dispatched Lu Dai and Tang Zi on a punitive expedition against him. It took over a year to defeat him.

In the 1st month of the 3rd year [240], there was an Imperial Order telling the generals that the people needed to be protected against bandits and raids. In the 4th month there was grand amnesty. Then according to the order, many counties fixed their city walls, built up towers, and dug moat to prepare against bandits. In the 11th month, the people were hungry so there was an Imperial order to distribute food from the government supply to relieve the impoverished.

In the 1st month of the 4th year [241], there was a great snow that covered the gorund with 3 feet of snow. More than half of the peoplr of Niaoshou died. In the 4th month, General of the Guards, Quan Cong, was dispatched to attack Huainan. He breached Shaopi and burned An City’s houses and hall. He received the people. General Who Dominates the North, Zhuge Ke, attacked Liuan. [Quan] Cong did battle with Wei general Wang Lin in Shaopi. General Qin Huang died in battle. General of the Chariots and Cavalry Zhu Ran surrounded Fan and General-in-Chief Zhuge Jin took Zhazhong. In the 5th month, Heir Apparent [Sun] Deng died. In that month, the Wei Grand Tutor Sima (Xuan?) assisted Fan. In the 6th month, the army withdrew. In the intercalary month, the General-in-Chief [Zhuge] Jin died.

In the 1st month of the 5th year [242], [Sun Quan] set up his son [Sun] He to serve as the Heir Apparent and there was Grand Amnesty. Hexing was renamed Jiaxing [to avoid a place having the same character and name as the Heir Apparent]. Officals presented a plan to set up an Empress and 4 princes. There was an Imperial Order saying, “At the present the land his not yet conquered. The people have toiled and are tired. Furthermore there are people with great merit that is not recorded. The hungry and cold still esteem but do not receive pity. The humble split their lands to use for the younger generation. Corrupt nobles are pampered with Concubines and they do not help. This needs to be explained and discussed.” In the 3rd month there was a sighting of the Yellow Dragon in Haiyan. In the 4th month, advancement was halted and the meals of great officials were decreased. In the 7th month, general Nie You and Colonel Lu Kai were dispatched with 30,000 troops on a punitive expedition against Zhu Yai and Dan Er. That year there was a great plague. There was a memorial presented to the various Princes. [Sun Quan] set up his son [Sun] Ba as Prince of Lu.

In the 1st month of the 6th year [243], there was a sighting of a White Tiger in Xindu. Zhuge Ke attacked Liuan. He routed Wei’s general Xie Shun’s camp and took his people. In the 11th month the Prime Minister Gu Yong died. In the 12th month, the King of Funan, Fan Zhan, sent envoys to give people and tribute to Wu. In the 12th month, Sima Yi led his army to enter Shu. Zhuge Ke from Wan moved to Chaisang.

In the 1st month of the 7th yaer [244], the Grand General-in-Chief Lu Xun became Prime Minister. Autumn, there was excellent wheat grown in Wanling. That yaer, Bu Zhi and Zhu Ran said, “From Shu, there is desire to create an pledge of loyalty to go against Wei. Many regard the navy and wish to use it on the border. Once again Jiang Wan guards Han Zhong. It is rumored that Sima Yi has turned his attention south and as expected the soldiers lose moral and drag on. Instead he entrusts Han Zhong [to others] and returns closer to Chang Du. The matter is important and it would be suitable to prepare for it.” [Sun] Quan thought otherwise, “My deal with Shu is not meager and I will keep my alliance, but we will not carry them. How could we do this? Earlier Sima Yi came to enter Shu. After 10 days he retreated. Shu is 10,000 li away, are you aware of the time it would take to send troops? Earlier Wei desired to enter the Han region, and this was a serious situation, but they did not make a move. It could happen that again we hear that Wei stopped. Would Shu rather have this happen and suspect us of evil? How can they obtain our defences and navy? At the present they have their own army, wouldn’t they rather use it to defend Shu? People may speak bitterly but they cannot see, we all act to fight for our home and defend us.” Shu struggled themselves but did not seek [help], and thus it was as [Sun] Quan devised.

In the 2nd month of the 8th year [245], Prime Minister Lu Xun died. In summer, lightning struck a Palace pillar and again it stuck the Great Pillar of the Nanjin bridge. The Chaling’s Hong River overflowed and the homes of 200 people were washed away. In the 7th month, general Ma Mao planned to rebel [was found out] and three generations of his clan were exterminated. In the 8th month there was grand amnesty. [Sun Quan] dispatched Colonel Chen Xun and General Tian Ji to make soldiers chisel out a road from Xiaoqi to Yunyang, a city in the west.

In the 2nd month of the 9th year [246], General of the Chariots and Cavalry Zhu Ran attacked Wei’s Zhazhong and captured and beheaded 1,000 men. In the 4th month, it was rumored in Wu Chang that Gan Lu surrendered. In the 9th month, General of the Flying Cavalry, Bu Zhi, was made Prime Minister. General of the Chariots and Cavalry Zhu Ran became the Left Commander-in-Chief and General of the Guards Quan Cong became the Right Commander-in-Chief. General Who Conquers the South Lu Dai was made Grand General-in-Chief. General Who Dominates the North, Zhuge Ke, was made General-in-Chief.

In the 1st month of the 10th year [247], Right Commander-in-Chief, Quan Cong, died. In the 2nd month, [Sun] Quan moved to the Southern Palace. In the 3rd month the Grand Palace was altered. Many came to the region and worked on it. In the 5th month, Prime Minister, Bu Zhi, died. In the 10th month, the crimes of the dead were pardoned.

In the 1st month of the 11th year [248], Zhu Ran fixed the city walls at Jiangling. In the 2nd month, there was an Earthquake. In the 3rd month, the Palace was finished. In the 4th month it rained and hailed. In Yunyang the Yellow Dragon was spotted. In the 5th month, a White Tiger was caught in Poyang. There was an Imperial Order to not catch anymore white tigers.

In the 3rd month of the 12th year [249], Left Commadner-in-chief Zhu Ran died. In the 4th month, bingyin, General of the Flying Cavalry Zhu Ju became Prime Minister and offered sacfrifice.

In the 5th month of the 13th year [250], Ying Huo entered Nandou. In the 7th month, two comets were spotted in the East. In the 8th month, Danyang, Jurong, Guzhang, and Ningguo all had chaos when the Hong river overflowed. There was an Imperial Order to find who was to blame and food and agriculture programs were started to help. Heir Apparent [Sun] He was dimissed and he went to reside in Guzhang. The Prince of Lu, [Sun] Be was ordered to commit Suicide. In the 10th month, Wei general Wen Qin pretended to rebel to entice Zhu Yi. [Sun] Quan dispatched Lu Ju to approach [Zhu] Yi and welcome [Wen] Qin. [Zhu] Yi waited for a long time but [Wen] Qin did not show up. In the 11th month, [Sun Quan] set up his son [Sun] Liang to serve as Heir Apparent. [Sun Quan] dispatched an army of 10,000 to make a pond in Tang City to submerge the northern road. In the 12th month, Wei’s General-in-Chief, Wang Chang, besieged Nanjun and the Inspector of Jingzhou Wang Ju came out to attack him at Xiling. He dispatched generals Dai Lie and Lu Kai to go forward to resist him. In all cases the enemy was pushed back. Also that year, holy people sent a letter saying that the reign year should be changed. Later it was.

In the 5th month of the 1st year of Taiyuan [251], he set up Lady Pan as Empress and gave a General Amnesty. He also changed the year.

In the 8th month there was a great wind. The Jiang River overflowed and the water was 8 feet off the ground. In Wu’s Gaoling the trees were pulled out of the ground in the southern districts the city gates flew open. In the 11th month [Sun Quan] offered sacrifice. He developed and illness. In the 12th month, Zhuge Ke was set up as the Grand Tutor to the Heir Apparent. There was an Imperial Order to be frugal on service expenses, to lower the taxes, and to help the needy.

In the 1st month of the 2nd year [252], he set the heir apparent [Sun] He to serve as Pince of Nanyang and reside in Changsha. His son [Sun] Fen was to serve as Prince of Qi and reside in Wu Chang. His son [Sun] Xiu was to serve as Prince of Langhua Xie and reside in Hulin. In the 2nd month, he altered the reign year to become Shen Feng. Empress Pan died. Many generals and officials frequently went to Wang Biao to ask for good fortune. [Wang] Biao died and they left. In the 4th month, [Sun] Quan died at age 71 and was granted the posthumous title of Da Huang Di. In the 7th month, he was buried in Jiang Ling.
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ذكر عدد الرسائل : 14
العمر : 32
أفضل مملكة : Shu
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/08/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأحد 14 أغسطس 2011, 11:22 am

Sun Quan قائد لابئس به بس الي ساعده على الاسمرار هي خياناته

يكفي خيانته لـ Lu xun بعد ما انقض مملكتة من معركة الانتقام

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Sun Quan
Sun Quan

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 6
العمر : 36
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 31 أغسطس 2011, 3:14 pm

sun quan افضل قائد عرفته مملكة wu

ما رأيك ب Sun Quan؟

كما ذكرت سابقا من افضل الملوك التي عرفتها مملكة wu

هل كان ناجحا في عمله؟

جدااا جدا جدا

هل تكرهه؟

بالعكس هو واخوه sun ce اللي حببوني في مملكة wu

هل تعتبره خائنا؟

لا بالعكس

ما رأيك بقرار اعدام Guan Yu هل كان صائبا ام لا (مع ان Sun Quan لم يأمر باعدامه).

صحيح 100%
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

انثى عدد الرسائل : 8
العمر : 29
أفضل مملكة : Wu
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/10/2011

تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تقييمك ل Sun Quan   تقييمك ل Sun Quan - صفحة 3 Icon_minitimeالجمعة 07 أكتوبر 2011, 1:45 am

بالنسبة لي اعتبره امبراطور فاشل و اتفق مع من يقول انه كان يستند على جنرالاته [b]

وما اغضبني اكثر كون الذي فعله مع lu xun :P :P

اكرهه كثيييييرا

وهذا رأيي به

وارجو ان تتقبل مروري cyclops
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تقييمك ل Sun Quan
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» تقييمك لـ Li Yan
» تقييمك لـ Yang Hu
» رأيك و تقييمك في Lu Xun
» تقييمك لـSun Ce
» تقييمك لجنرالات Wei

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